Subtle & not so subtle approaches to Recon & Amphibious Assaults In Victory At Sea Pacific

Now we get into the important stuff, recon & capturing ports.

The Recon is a vital part of Victory At Sea Pacific & players have choices when it comes to the scouting of a port. Depending on the resources available you could send in a submerged submarine, raising the periscope to get a lay of the land. This improves the chances that the sub will not be spotted (unless there are enemy Destroyers in the area).

Alternatively a good spotter aircraft can be used to scout out the area, maybe even spot some enemy fleets at the same time. If the tide of the war is turning in your favour you may feel brave enough to send some ships to do the scouting, but beware nearby fleets might be called in to defend the port.

Once a hostile port is completely scouted out, an amphibious assault can be triggered.

A fleet of landing craft will advance on the port, attempting to land troops. The enemy of course will not sit still and let this happen. They will begin firing all available guns on your position as well as launching any available aircraft. The Port may have coastal defence such as patrol boats or even a docked fleet resupplying. There are many unseen problems so ensure you haven’t overstretched your lines and have brought enough firepower to see the craft land safely.

Bringing an epic approach to real time strategy war gaming, players develop their own story with an open world sandbox mechanic in a desperate attempt to win the World War 2.

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Victory at Sea Pacific features;

  • Search and destroy enemy fleets across the entire Pacific Ocean.
  • Effortlessly switch between commanding the entire Pacific theatre and controlling the fate of individual vessels and planes.
  • Harass shipping and starve ports of vital supplies.
  • Hunt down and sink enemy patrols and weaken their defences.
  • Defend your friendly convoys and keep your supply lines open.
  • Organise large scale amphibious assaults on major ports.
  • Control unique vessels such as the huge I-400 submarine aircraft carrier.
  • Launch and command large squadrons of planes to attack targets as well as sending scout planes to hunt down enemy shipping.
  • Organise your supplies and keep your fleets afloat.
  • Build highly skilled crews ready for combat.
  • Pausable gameplay allows you to order fleets and then continue the action.
  • Slow the action down or speed it up with the time slider, allowing you to command multiple ships quickly and effectively during huge battles.
  • Play as Axis or Allied fleets. (Axis Campaign coming soon)

Victory At Sea Pacific is the huge open world RTS you have been waiting for, see more here.

From small skirmishes involving single destroyers hunting down merchantmen, to the clashing of massive fleets against implacable enemies, Victory at Sea Pacific is your ticket to exciting battles that take place on the dangerous seas of World War II.


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