Victory At Sea is now an award winning game!

Last night at the 2014 UK Games Industry TIGA Awards in London, Victory at Sea won Best Action/Adventure by a Small Studio.

We just want to say a big thank you to all our players and supporters who have helped us love the whole process of developing this game. All your insights and know-how have helped shaped the game into an award winner… and we are not stopping here!

A full list of the TIGA Awards winners can bee seen here. 

CEO James Carroll with the Creative England team at the TIGA awards
CEO James Carroll with the Creative England team at the TIGA awards


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Victory At Sea is a product of the GamesLab South West programme.

Creative England GamesLab South West is a programme of investment and support, designed to aid and sustain the growth of the region’s burgeoning games’ industry through the development of innovative games and IP. Working with emerging and established companies, Creative England GamesLab South West aims to create the conditions necessary for the most innovative and commercially astute games companies from around the region to flourish. Working with employers, students and individuals, Creative England GamesLab South West also delivers initiatives to create jobs and ensure the retention of established and emerging talent within the region to sustain

the growth it aims to deliver during its two-year lifespan. Creative England GamesLab South West is funded by the European Regional Development Fund, supported by the Government’s Regional Growth Fund and led by Creative England.


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