WWII submarine aircraft carriers anyone?

Introducing you to the more unusual vehicles to grace the upcoming WWII Naval Real Time Strategy.

With the aim to take our upcoming RTS to another level, we decided to delve into the stranger corners of the Pacific ocean during WWII and because of that, Victory At Sea Pacific has some unusual ships & aircraft set to appear!

While we have been debating whether to include the Ice Cream Ship (Best you look it up for yourself!) we have included vessels such as the Japanese I-400 submarine. This was the largest Submarine of the war, so large in fact it was capable of launching planes! The I-400 would surface and launch their planes, before quickly diving again.

Another of the stranger and more macabre vehicles used in the war is The Yokosuka MXY-7 Ohka. This rocket-powered human-guided kamikaze attack aircraft was first introduced by the Japanese later on in the war. The manned flying bomb had three solid-fuel rockets, which would like fly a missile towards it’s intended target.

These vehicles and more can be found in Victory At Sea Pacific, which currently boasts over 120 ships and aircraft, as well as over 70 ports.

Bringing an epic approach to real time strategy war gaming, players develop their own story with an open world sandbox mechanic in a desperate attempt to win the World War 2.


[embedplusvideo height=”450″ width=”800″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/2sVAh0Z” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/mdjYonQSPkU?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=mdjYonQSPkU&width=800&height=450&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep2106″ /]

Victory at Sea Pacific features;

  • Search and destroy enemy fleets across the entire Pacific Ocean.
  • Effortlessly switch between commanding the entire Pacific theatre and controlling the fate of individual vessels and planes.
  • Harass shipping and starve ports of vital supplies.
  • Hunt down and sink enemy patrols and weaken their defences.
  • Defend your friendly convoys and keep your supply lines open.
  • Organise large scale amphibious assaults on major ports.
  • Control unique vessels such as the huge I-400 submarine aircraft carrier.
  • Launch and command large squadrons of planes to attack targets as well as sending scout planes to hunt down enemy shipping.
  • Organise your supplies and keep your fleets afloat.
  • Build highly skilled crews ready for combat.
  • Pausable gameplay allows you to order fleets and then continue the action.
  • Slow the action down or speed it up with the time slider, allowing you to command multiple ships quickly and effectively during huge battles.
  • Play as Axis or Allied fleets. (Axis Campaign coming soon)

Victory At Sea Pacific is the huge open world RTS you have been waiting for, see more here.

From small skirmishes involving single destroyers hunting down merchantmen, to the clashing of massive fleets against implacable enemies, Victory at Sea Pacific is your ticket to exciting battles that take place on the dangerous seas of World War II.


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